Diversified Private Markets Fund – DPM1113

Diversified Private Markets Fund
Assisted Search DPM1113
Deadline: Monday 5th February 2018

A UK Consultant is running a search in CAMRADATA, to look for a Diversified Private Markets Fund with the intention of compiling a buy list. All funds being proposed must be listed in CAMRADATA Live, and returns must be up to date i.e. to 31st December 2017.

If you would like to put a vehicle, or a number of vehicles, forward for this search, then you must, in the first instance, contact me with the name of the vehicle that you would like to propose by Monday 5th February 2018.

Please post any questions regarding this search onto the CAMRADATA Live ‘Assisted Searches Forum’ and we will endeavour to answer these as quick as possible.

Assisted searches are run on behalf of institutional investors with specific search requirements. You are able to participate in this and all other Assisted Searches if you subscribe to CAMRADATA Live.


Deadline Monday 5th February 2018
Asset class Diversified Private Markets
Structure Pooled vehicle suitable for investment by a UK pension fund. Fund will invest in different types of less liquid/illiquid asset classes such as infrastructure debt and equity, commercial property debt, private equity / debt, direct lending, venture capital, renewables, natural resources and other income generating illiquid assets etc. within the one offering. Exposure to some degree of liquid assets acceptable. Fund does not have to be daily dealt and can be closed ended but should have a currently open capital raising round or due to open within the next month.
Manager location and vehicle currency Any but must have a dedicated Sterling share class and UK presence.
Fund size Fund can be at launch stage.
Manager size Firm AuM > £10bn
Fund Details Fees and Fund structure Must be transparent. Track Record Fund can be at launch stage but it would be preferable if the team had a track record of at least 3 years in individual asset classes. For close ended funds, performance and asset allocation of vintage rounds is a must. For the proposed vehicle, please provide the following information (as applicable for an allocation up to £5m):


(Estimated) Number of deals in proposed portfolio:

Fund Structure:


Carried Interest:

Preferred Return:

Unfunded Commitments (If any):

Management Approach Active and benchmark unaware. Flexible to take advantage of new opportunities in the market.
Additional information This search is for a variety of different sized schemes that wish to access a range of private market/less liquid asset classes for a broad access to less liquid private markets. The consultant is not looking for a hedge fund. Suitable funds will be asked to complete an RFP questionnaire and host a subsequent consultant meeting. PLEASE additionally provide in email to me the Asset Allocation in place for your fund to prove that it invests in a diverse pool of illiquid asset classes. Please do this as a percentage breakdown by Asset Class.