Assisted Search: Diversified Growth Funds DGF160524 – Deadline: Wednesday 5th June 2024

A UK Investment Consultant is using CAMRADATA to create a buy list across Diversified Growth Funds. The most successful managers will be buy-rated and form the roster of funds to be used for new DGF mandates over the next year. To be eligible, Successful managers will need to be available on Tuesday 16th July 2024 or Thursday 18th July 2024.

All funds being proposed must be listed in CAMRADATA Live and returns must be up to date i.e. to 31st March 2024. 

Assisted searches are run on behalf of institutional investors with specific search requirements. These are as follows:

Asset ClassDiversified Growth Funds (DGF)
Deadline5th June 2024
SuitabilitySuitable for UK defined benefit and/or defined contribution pension schemes
CurrencyGBP Share Class
StructurePooled Fund – Fund Open to new investors
Track RecordThe fund should be over £50m and 3 years track or more advantageous
Client BaseThe fund should have at least ten investors with the largest client holding no more than half
Performance TargetAt least SONIA 3.5% or inflation +3.5%
PlatformsFlexibility is advantageous, Mobius platform is favourable.
Other requirementsThe fund must be able to accept mandates of £1m. If the minimum mandate size accepted is lower, this will be to the managers advantage
QuestionnairePlease complete both tabs on the additional excel questionnaire here. 

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